عنوان مقاله

M/M/C با شاخص شغلها ( شغلهای حساس)

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تجزیه و تحلیل مدل کران بالا

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ما صف M(λ)/M(µ)/c  را بررسی می کنیم در جاییکه مشتریان یک موقعیت بحرانی را ، موقعیکه ،زمان اقامت موقت متجاوز از یک زمان تصادفی است ،واگذار می کنند. این زمان به طور تشریحی با پارامتر 1/ θ  تعمیم داده شده است. شغلهای حساس یک اولویت خاص نسبت به شغلهای بدون حساسیت دارند. در مدل کران بالا و پایین ،مکانیزم اصلاح شده ایی وجود دارد مبنی بر اینکه تعداد شغلهای بدون حساسیت هرگز بیشتر از آستانه T نیستند ، آنگاه در مدل کران پایین این شغلها رد می شوند و در مذل کران بالا آن شغلها بلافاصله حساس یا بحرانی میشوند.

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کلمات کلیدی: 

M/c with Critical Jobs Ivo ADAN Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands e-mall: iadan@win.tue.nl GERARD Hoo~mEMSTRA Delft University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Informaties, Box 356, 2600 AJ Delft, The Netherlands e-mail: g.hooghiemstra@twi.tudelft .nl Abstract: We consider the MIMIc queue, where customers transfer to a critical state when their queueing (sojourn) time exceeds a random time. Lower and upper bounds for the distribution of the number of critical jobs are derived from two modifications of the original system. The two modified systems can be efficiently solved. Numerical calculations indicate the power of the approach. Key Words." M/M/c, priority queue, bounds, matrix methods 1 Introduction We consider an M(2)/M(iz)/c queue, where customers transfer to a critical state when their queueing (sojourn) time exceeds a random time. This time is exponentially distributed with parameter 0. Critical customers have preemptive priority over non-critical ones (hence the servers never attend non-critical customers if there are critical customers waiting in the queue). In the application that we have in mind, the customers are repairjobs and the servers are repairmen (engineers). When the queueing time of a job exceeds a random time, the repairjob will be called critical and causes a slowdown of the entire installation from which the repairjobs originate. An example of such an installation is a sugarfactory (sugarhouse), where sugarbeets are refined. The technical staff of such a factory, who maintain the installation, consists of engineers working in full shift during the beetcampaign. This beetcampaign is a period of approximately 100 days during which the beets are harvested from the fields and refined in the factory. The management of the sugarhouse is