عنوان مقاله

مذاکرات تجارت بین المللی: نوآوری، تیم مذاکره، آماده سازی

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نوآوری و مذاکرات

تشکیل تیم مذاکراتی

اهمیت آماده سازی در مذاکرات بین الملل

نتیجه گیری

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تشکیل تیم مذاکراتی

در تشکیل تیم مذاکراتی لازم است که اهداف و استراتژی هایی برای مذاکره داشته باشیم. خصوصیات فردی و توانایی های اعضای تیم مذاکراتی میتواند بر روی نقشی که آنها در تیم مذاکراتی دارند تاثیر داشته باشد. سپس بازبینی لحظات مهم شکل گیری تیم مذاکراتی را خواهیم داشت.

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کلمات کلیدی: 

International business negotiations: innovation, negotiation team, preparation Kęstutis Peleckisa * a Vilnius Gediminas technical university, Saulėtekio al. 11, LT–10223 Vilnius, Lithuania Abstract Negotiating communication has created new challenges, as business becomes global, and the distance between the two parties do not allow to negotiate fully – to take full advantage of the bargaining power remotely. The use of innovation can be beneficial not only to support the negotiation process but also in the preparation phase of the negotiations. In order to properly prepare for negotiations is need to form an effective negotiating team whose analytical work and skills could help to achieve the highest outcome of the negotiations. This is particularly important in the preparation and in the course of intercultural negotiations, which require an understanding of other cultures, other languages, possession of legal knowledge, knowledge of the negotiation context, etc. In preparation for the negotiation phase is needed to know the best way possible about the other side of the negotiation. Knowing the technical communication capabilities of other negotiation side it is possible to prepare effective negotiation support tools. Negotiation's success often depends on the effectiveness of the preparation - the better it will be known the other side of the negotiation and negotiation context, the better results will be achieved. In this article is made the analysis of global scientific literature in international business negotiations innovations. As well there is examined the preparation of business negotiations and considered the formation of negotiating teams. In the conclusions the author provides suggestions for further negotiations research. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education conference. Keywords: international business negotiation; innovation; preparation for negotiations; the negotiating team