عنوان قارسی مقاله: روش تحقیق

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Research Methodology


فهرست مطالب

Objectives of the Research study
Objectives of the Research study Cont.
Timeframe of the Research study
Research method
Scope of the Primary Research
Sample Size and target areas
Sampling techniques
Data analysis
Expected Outputs

بخشی از مقاله

Sampling techniques
Combination of purposive and random sampling

The respondents will be sampled owing to the three different categories of target respondents:
Household Consumers, CSO representatives
Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, industry/private sector association representatives
Policy makers, regulators, electricity producers and distributors

Respondents will be sampled with gender as a secondary selection criteria for equal representation


کلمات کلیدی: 

Research Methodology | Study Skills | University of Manchesterwww.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/studyskills/assessment.../methodology.html“Methodology” implies more than simply the methods you intend to use to collect data. It is often necessary to include a consideration of the concepts and ...[PDF]Research Methodology - The Carter Centerhttps://www.cartercenter.org/resources/pdfs/.../ln_research_method_final.pdfby G Degu - ‎2006 - ‎Cited by 18 - ‎Related articlesThis lecture note on research methodology is primarily aimed at health science ... process: development of the research proposal, fieldwork (data collection) and ...[PDF]Research Methodology: An Introduction - New Age Internationalwww.newagepublishers.com/samplechapter/000896.pdfResearch Methodology: An Introduction. 1.1 MEANING OF RESEARCH. Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define ...Searches related to Research Methodologywhat is research methodology and its various typeswhat is research methodology pdfresearch methodology methods and techniquesresearch methodology books pdfresearch methodology pptresearch methodology kothari pdfhow to write research methodologyresearch methodology notes