عنوان قارسی مقاله: چالش های مدیریت دارایی از جمله مفاهیم و اهمیت زیرساخت های کهنه

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Asset Management Challenges and Options, Including the Implications and Importance of Aging Infrastructure


فهرست مطالب

Asset Management Challenges and Options, Including the Implications and Importance of Aging Infrastructure
Many challenges facing the energy and power infrastructure
Holistic Asset Management
Asset Management & Infrastructure needs
Asset Management & Aging Infrastructure
Managing Aging Infrastructure
Electrical-Gas Interdependency
Security needs
Security: What should we be trying to protect
Asset Strategies 1 (3)
Asset Strategies 2 (3)
Asset Strategies 3 (3)
Pertinent IEEE Standards 1 (2)
Recommendations – Asset Management 1 (2)
Recommendations – Security, Privacy, and Resilience 1 (4)
Recommendations – Markets and Policy 1 (2)
Summary Recommendations

بخشی از مقاله

Recommendations – Asset Management 1 (2)
Increased federal R&D for emerging technologies that may impact T&D grids, including new types of generation, new uses of electricity and energy storage, with an additional focus on deployment and integration of such technologies to improve the reliability, efficiency and management of the grids
Application of pro-active widespread condition monitoring, integrating condition and operational data, has been shown to provide a benefit to real-time system operations, both in terms of asset use and cost-effective planned replacement of assets


کلمات کلیدی: 

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