عنوان فارسی مقاله: اثرات دموکراسی اقتصادی
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
فهرست مطالب
Economic effects of democracy
Argument that democracy is bad for growth
More details on “democracy bad for growth” argument
Some blame India’s democracy for economic problems (Economist (2012): The democracy bottleneck)
Arguments that democracy is good for growth
Ingredients of Growth
Do dictatorships invest more?
Do dictatorships have faster labor force growth?
Do democracies have better resource efficiency (technology, etc.)?
Do dictatorships grow faster or slower than democracies?
Democracies grow neither faster nor slower than dictatorships (controlling for other factors)
Do dictatorships grow faster or slower than democracies in poor countries?
Do dictatorships grow faster or slower than democracies in wealthy countries?
Democracies promote growth through greater investment in female health and education
Whereas Communist dictatorships have high female labor force participation, oil rich dictatorships do not
What about the Tigers?
بخشی از مقاله
Some blame India’s democracy for economic problems (Economist (2012): The democracy bottleneck)
Indian coalition government unable to push through reforms
Government spending on subsidies for fuel & electricity (and debt) instead of investment and social programs (education, etc.)
Government spending also on unprofitable SOEs to protect public sector jobs
کلمات کلیدی:
PPT]The economic effects of democracy in developing countries - UiO folk.uio.no/carlhk/tirsdagssem/Tirssemafrica.ppt Core questions and argument. How do democracy and state capacity affect economic growth? Direct, linear effects? Democracy (e.g. Przeworski and Limongi ... [PDF]The Economic Effects of Democracy and Dictatorship - UiO https://folk.uio.no/carlhk/publications/CHKdissertationForPrint.pdf by CH Knutsen - 2011 - Cited by 20 - Related articles Jun 25, 2011 - The Economic Effects of Democracy and. Dictatorship. Carl Henrik Knutsen. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. The Impact of Economic Development on Democracy - jstor https://www.jstor.org/stable/2138443 by E Huber - 1993 - Cited by 331 - Related articles The Impact of Economic Development on Democracy. Evelyne Huber, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and John D. Stephens. S ince the Second World War, two main ... Political Institutions, Economic Growth, and Democracy: The Substitute ... https://www.brookings.edu/.../political-institutions-economic-growth-and-democracy-... Jan 19, 2011 - But, as their research shows, to understand the effect on economic growth, analysis needs to move beyond the distinction between democracy ... Democracy and Economic Development home.olemiss.edu/~gg/paperhtm/dmcrecnm.htm by G Guo - Cited by 3 - Related articles Some scholars view the favorable effects between democracy and economic development as single-directional; that is, economic development leads to ... How Democracy Influences Growth | Center for International Private ... www.cipe.org/publications/detail/how-democracy-influences-growth Jul 1, 2013 - Article at a glance Democracy results in higher rates of economic growth ... effect of redistribution is offset by the fact that democracies have ... Searches related to Economic effects of democracy how does democracy help economic growth impact of democracy on society link between democracy and economic growth positive effects of democracy the effects of democracy on economic growth and inequality: a review role of democracy in economic development negative impact of democracy is democracy good for economic growth