عنوان فارسی مقاله: انحصار بحران سرمایه داریی فکری

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

The Crisis of Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism


فهرست مطالب

The Crisis of Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism
Focus on three issues linked to the research on State Capacity Building
Vampires and Machines
Science and Labor
Scientific Management
Machines vs. Workers
Intellectual MonopolyCapitalism.
Land and Knowledge Enclosures.
Intellectual Monopoly
IPR as global tariffs
Global Patents and Investments.
Dynamics of Intellectual MonopolyCapitalism
The Birth of the Institutions of Intellectual MonopolyCapitalism.
The Birth of the Institutions of Intellectual MonopolyCapitalism.
The RoaringNinties.
The depressedbeginning of the newmillemnium
Financial Times of March 6 2009
The ownership of round corners
Privatizing disembodied knowledge.
Privatization of knowledge and intellectualmonopoly
The Fate of Embodied Knowledge.
Vicious and virtuoscircles
The Knowledge-Economy Paradox.
Closed Science and ClosedMarkets
Commodification of knowledge Financialization of the economy
The Intellectual Property Boom
An Intellectual property (under-ground) bubble?
Will the (under-ground)Bubble Burst?
After the crisis: an eclectic approach
 possible general therapies
.and local remedies.

بخشی از مقاله

Will the (under-ground)Bubble Burst?

If, in spite of a slump, investments in intellectual property continue to boom, the lobbies, favoring its preservation, become stronger.
Moreover, firms endowed with more intellectual property have still a better time than the ones blocked by monopolies. This reinforces the idea the intellectual property increases efficiency.
Unlike the case of the housing market, the intellectual property bubble can be seen only through the slump of the entire economy and/or as an “under-ground bubble” feeding other bubbles of the economy
It is a major constraint of relations of productions on productive forces!

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کلمات کلیدی: 

Monopoly Capitalism by Paul Sweezy | Monthly Reviewhttps://monthlyreview.org/2004/10/01/monopoly-capitalism/Oct 1, 2004 - Among Marxian economists “monopoly capitalism” is the term ... of a prolonged debate on the nature of capitalist crisis involving many of the ...The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism | Review by Hans G Despain -marxandphilosophy.org.uk › Marx & Philosophy Review of Books › 2014Jul 14, 2014 - The Monthly Review tradition was formed around the intellectual .... Foster argues that explanations of crisis in monopoly capital theory are far ...Institutions and Development After the Financial Crisishttps://books.google.com/books?isbn=1135014094Sebastiano Fadda, ‎Pasquale Tridico - 2013 - ‎Business & EconomicsThe current crisis seems to be a financial crisis stemming from aggregate ... Modern capitalism can be named intellectual monopoly capitalism for the reason that ...Conceptualizing Capitalism: Institutions, Evolution, Futurehttps://books.google.com/books?isbn=022616800XGeoffrey M. Hodgson - 2015 - ‎Business & Economics3 (September): 373–92. ———. 2014. “The Crisis of Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism.” Cambridge Journal of Economics 38, no. 6 (November): 1409–29. Paine ...The Great Leveler: Capitalism and Competition in the Court of Lawhttps://books.google.com/books?isbn=0674504917Brett Christophers - 2016 - ‎Business & EconomicsCapitalism and Competition in the Court of Law Brett Christophers ... U. Pagano, “The crisis of intellectual monopoly capitalism,” Cambridge 334 Notes to Pages ...