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تعامل منابع اصلی و تاثیر آنها بر زمان انتظار در رستوران چند مرحله ای
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بازاریابی و کارآفرینی
بازاریابی در فرایند کارآفرینی
کارآفرینی فعالیتهای بازاریابی
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بازاریابی و کارآفرینی
به منظور ارائه توضیحاتی در رابطه با سطح تحلیل، فرایند کارآفرینی شامل مجموعه فعالیتهایی می شود که به واسطه آنها افراد، که به صورت مستقل یا درون شرکت فعالیت می کنند، به دنبال تامین نیازهای مشتری از طریق نوآوری هستند که وسایل و یا اهدافی موثر و کارآمد ارائه می دهد. همچنین، کارآفرینی در سلسله افراد و فرصتها رخ می دهد.
کلمات کلیدی:
Where is the opportunity without the customer?An integration of marketing activities, the entrepreneurshipprocess, and institutional theoryJustin W. Webb&R. Duane Ireland&Michael A. Hitt&Geoffrey M. Kistruck&Laszlo TihanyiReceived: 4 August 2010 /Accepted: 10 November 2010 /Published online: 26 November 2010#Academy of Marketing Science 2010AbstractMarketing and entrepreneurship have long beenrecognized as two key responsibilities of the firm. Despitetheir tight integration in practice, marketing and entrepreneur-ship as domains of scholarly inquiry have largely progressedwithin their respective disciplinary boundaries with minimalcross-disciplinary fertilization. Furthermore, although firmsincreasingly undertake their marketing and entrepreneurialactivities across diverse settings, academe has provided littleinsight into how changes in the institutional environment maysubstantially alter the processes and outcomes of theseundertakings. Herein, we integrate research on marketingactivities, the entrepreneurship process, and institutionaltheory in an effort to address this gap. We first discuss marketorientation as enhancing a firm’s opportunity recognition andinnovation, whereas marketing mix decisions enhance oppor-tunity exploitation. We then examine how entrepreneurshipleads to innovation directed toward market orientation andmarketing mix activities. Based on this foundation, weexamine differences in marketing and entrepreneurshipactivities across institutional contexts.KeywordsEntrepreneurship process.Market orientation.Marketing mix.Institutional theory.Customer needs.OpportunityMarketing and entrepreneurship have long been recognizedas two key responsibilities for firms (Drucker1954; Mohrand Sarin2009). Despite the central and complementaryroles of marketing and entrepreneurship responsibilities,research has largely examined marketing activities and theentrepreneurship process separately. Marketing scholarshave extensively examined research questions related toidentifying and understanding the customer and translatingcustomer needs into new products (e.g., Narver and Slater1990;Troyetal.2001). In contrast, entrepreneurshipscholars have largely assumed market opportunities (inessence, the presence of customers) to exist.1As such,entrepreneurship scholars have instead examined the fac-tors, such as an entrepreneur’s traits and behaviors (e.g.,Baron2008;Dyeretal.2008), that influence howentrepreneurs recognize opportunities, innovate, and thenexploit opportunities. The variance in the nature of the1More recently, a“creation”perspective has been advanced ascomplementary to the“discovery”perspective (Alvarez and Barney2007). Nevertheless, even in this perspective, the opportunity ismerely described as a market without any discussion of the prevalenceor hierarchy of customer needs that define the“value”component ofan opportunity and determine whether aviablemarket exists. As ofyet, the activities of creation have not concerned how the entrepreneurinteracts with and comes to understand customers to create anopportunit
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