عنوان مقاله

رایانش ابری و مسائل امنیتی در ابر

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زیرساخت رایانش ابری

احراز هویت در ابر

مسائل امنیتی در ابر

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مسائل امنیتی در ابر

چالش های امنیتی برای شیوه رایانش ابری تاحدی پویا و وسیع می باشند. مکان و موقعیت داده ها عاملی حساس و مهم در امنیت رایانش ابری محسوب می شود. شفافیت مکان و موقعیت یکی از انعطاف پذیریهای مهم برای رایانش ابری و در همان زمان یک تهدید امنیتی محسوب می شود- بدون اطلاع از مکان خاص ذخیره سازی داده ها، حفاظت از داده ها برای برخی مناطق شدیداً متاثر واقع شده و نقض می گردد. بنابراین امنیت داده های شخصی کاربران ابر یک نگرانی مهم در محیط رایانش ابری محسوب می شود.

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کلمات کلیدی: 

CLOUD COMPUTING AND SECURITY ISSUES IN THE CLOUD Monjur Ahmed1 and Mohammad Ashraf Hossain2 1 Senior Lecturer, Daffodil Institute of IT, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2 Freelance IT Consultant, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ABSTRACT Cloud computing has formed the conceptual and infrastructural basis for tomorrow’s computing. The global computing infrastructure is rapidly moving towards cloud based architecture. While it is important to take advantages of could based computing by means of deploying it in diversified sectors, the security aspects in a cloud based computing environment remains at the core of interest. Cloud based services and service providers are being evolved which has resulted in a new business trend based on cloud technology. With the introduction of numerous cloud based services and geographically dispersed cloud service providers, sensitive information of different entities are normally stored in remote servers and locations with the possibilities of being exposed to unwanted parties in situations where the cloud servers storing those information are compromised. If security is not robust and consistent, the flexibility and advantages that cloud computing has to offer will have little credibility. This paper presents a review on the cloud computing concepts as well as security issues inherent within the context of cloud computing and cloud infrastructure. KEYWORDS Cloud computing, cloud service, cloud security, computer network, distributed computing, security. 1. INTRODUCTION Recent developments in the field of could computing have immensely changed the way of computing as well as the concept of computing resources. In a cloud based computing infrastructure, the resources are normally in someone else's premise or network and accessed remotely by the cloud users (Petre, 2012; Ogigau-Neamtiu, 2012; Singh & jangwal, 2012). Processing is done remotely implying the fact that the data and other elements from a person need to be transmitted to the cloud infrastructure or server for processing; and the output is returned upon completion of required processing. In some cases, it might be required or at least possible for a person to store data on remote cloud servers. These gives the following three sensitive states or scenarios that are of particular concern within the operational context of cloud computing: • The transmission of personal sensitive data to the cloud server, • The transmission of data from the cloud server to clients' computers and • The storage of clients’ personal data in cloud servers which are remote server not owned by the clients.