عنوان فارسی مقاله: قابلیت اطمینان رمزگذاری و اینترکودر

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Coding and Intercoder Reliability


فهرست مطالب

Coding and Intercoder Reliability


Data Coding Basics

Example Codebook (White collar lawyer project)

What’s intercoder reliability

Why does it matter?

Example: binary var coding results of two coders

Use SPSS to calculate Cohen’s Kappa

Acceptance standard: Neuendorf (2002)

How to improve Intercoder reliability (Lombard et. Al. 2002)


بخشی از مقاله

Mathematical measures that are commonly reported on intercoder reliability

Popping (1988) identified 39 different "agreement indices" for coding nominal categories.

Commonly used ones:

Percent agreement: PA0=totalAs/n

Scott's pi (p): p=(PA0-PAe)/(1-PAe) [when PAe=Sigma(pi_squared)]

Cohen's kappa (k): k=(PA0-PAe)/(1-PAe) [when PAe=(1/n_squared)*Sigma(pi_squared)]

Krippendorff's alpha (a): (Krippendorff's Alpha 3.12a software)

There is no consensus on a single, "best" one. 

Percent agreement is widely used, but is misleading. Tends to over estimate reliability.

Cohen’s Kappa is being criticized but still the most frequently used.

Hand calculations:


کلمات کلیدی: 

[PDF]Agreement and Information in the Reliability of Coding - University of ... repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1286&context=asc_papers by K Krippendorff - ‎2011 - ‎Cited by 130 - ‎Related articles quality of coding but heavily used in psychometric research (Nunnally & Bernstein 1994, p. 213). In this research tradition, reliability is not a function of observed agreement among judges‟ rating a set of individuals, usually by means of a scale. Rather, ”high interrater reliability means that the relation of one rated object to ... How can I calculate inter-rater reliability in qualitative... - ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/.../How_can_I_calculate_inter-rater_reliability_in_qualit... I too have interviews coded in NVivo and realized the inter-relater reliability among the three coders is not a straight forward operation. One of the coders was at a quals training and clarified with them that it could not be simply run in NVivo for the three coders. Robert Rivers questions are helpful and I am going to the link to ... Searches related to Coding and Intercoder Reliability intercoder reliability definition how to calculate intercoder reliability by hand intercoder reliability example intercoder reliability kappa intercoder reliability formula intercoder agreement qualitative research intercoder reliability psychology intracoder reliability