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پاورپوینت انگلیسی راهنمای تحلیل شبکه اجتماعی

عنوان فارسی مقاله: راهنمای تحلیل شبکه اجتماعی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

A Guide to Social Network Analysis

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پاورپوینت انگلیسی تحلیل شبکه

عنوان فارسی مقاله: تجزیه و تحلیل شبکه

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

Foundations of Network Analysis

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بخشی از مقاله

Network Analysis and Excel VABA
STEP 4: Loop through every cell in a column (Gets values in multiple rows)
”Variable declaration to hold the cell index during our loop
Dim curRow As Double
Dim colNum As Double
colNum = 1 ”Use this to specify which column to loop down

”The actual loop that figures out how many cells are filled in the column colNum
For curRow = 1 To ((wks.Cells(Rows.Count, colNum).End(xlUp)(2).Row) – 1)
wks.Cells(curRow, 2).Value = wks.Cells(curRow, 1).Value
Next curRow

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کلمات کلیدی: 

Social Network Analysis - Learning Resource Serverlrs.ed.uiuc.edu/tse-portal/analysis/social-network-analysis/Social network analysis is based on an assumption of the importance of relationships among interacting units. The social network perspective encompasses ...Social Network Analysis and Mining - Springerlink.springer.com/journal/13278Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) is a multidisciplinary journal serving researchers and practitioners in academia and industry. It is the main venue for ...Searches related to Network Analysisnetwork analysis softwarenetwork analysis in project managementnetwork analysis sociologynetwork analysis pdfnetwork analysis gisnetwork analysis toolsnetwork analysis techniquesnetwork analysis in operation research

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پاورپوینت انگلیسی یکپارچه سازی داده کاوی

عنوان فارسی مقاله: یکپارچه سازی داده کاوی با چارچوب استراتژیک مدیریت دانش

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

Integrating Data Mining within a Strategic Knowledge Management Framework

دانلود رایگان پاورپوینت یکپارچه سازی داده کاوی با چارچوب استراتژیک مدیریت دانش


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پاورپوینت انگلیسی رهبری تحول

عنوان فارسی مقاله: رهبری تحول

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

Transformational Leadership

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پاورپوینت انگلیسی ارزیابی عملکرد کارکنان

عنوان فارسی مقاله: ارزیابی عملکرد کارکنان و جبران خسارت مبتنی بر شایستگی برای کارکنان

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

Staff Performance Evaluation & Merit Based Compensation for Staff Employees

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ارزیابی عملکرد کارکنان و جبران خسارت مبتنی بر شایستگی برای کارکنان


بخشی از مقاله

Q1. What employee status qualifies for performance evaluations and merit?
A1. Regular full-time and regular part-time staff employees.

Q2. Will new regular full-time and regular part-time new hires receive a performance evaluation?

A2. All regular full-time and regular part-time employees hired prior to September 1, 2016 should receive a performance evaluation.

Q3. What is the process for faculty merit awards?
A3. There will be a separate process facilitated by Dr. Martin for faculty merit awards.

Q4. What do I do if I haven’t completed my goals?
A4. Go to the Performance Evaluation page of the HR website, click on the Performance Development Goals link and complete them now in the SharePoint system.

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ارزیابی عملکرد کارکنان و جبران خسارت مبتنی بر شایستگی برای کارکنان


کلمات کلیدی: 

Meritocracy and Merit-Based Compensation - DesignIntelligencewww.di.net › ArticlesApr 9, 2015 - On the challenges of measuring employee engagement and ... a merit-based evaluation and compensation program for existing staff, we will ...[PDF]Recognition Program, Merit Pay, and New Appraisal Processwww.etown.edu/offices/human-resources/Merit%20Pay%20Training%20Slides.pdfOnly full-time staff and administrative employees are eligible to receive merit pay. Part-time ... It is important to know that merit pay is determined based on the employee's annual .... goals and expectations throughout the evaluation period.[DOC]Performance Evaluation Systems & Merit Pay - RoadMap Consultingroadmapconsulting.org/wp-content/.../Salary_Policy_Discussion_Guide.2012.docEmployee must request pay increase in writing to ED .... the key to a successful merit pay program is differentiating among employees based upon performance.Searches related to Evaluation & Merit Based Compensation for Staff Employeesucsd pay increase 2016ucsd equity increasemerit pay examplesmerit pay advantages and disadvantagesucsd title and payskill based paymerit pay for teachers

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پاورپوینت انگلیسی روش ورشکستگی

عنوان فارسی مقاله: روش و نتایج ورشکستگی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

Bankruptcy Procedures and Outcomes

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فهرست مطالب

“Fresh Start” Accounting
Fresh Start Rule allows a firm that emerges from Chapter 11 to “write-up” asset values to current market value rather than historical cost
Requires the firm to distribute at least 50% of common stock to creditors
Market values assigned by estimating future cash flows
Results in immediately positive book equity and improved financial ratios

بخشی از مقاله

BankruptcyProcedures and Outcomes
Questions to Generate Discussion
Questions to Generate Discussion cont.
Brief History
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005
Who Can File for Bankruptcy?
How a Corporation Files for Bankruptcy
Types of Bankruptcy
Types of Bankruptcy cont.
Bankruptcy Law-Corporation
Primary Players
Asset Allocation in Bankruptcy(Absolute Priority Rule)
Debtor Benefits
“Fresh Start” Accounting
Debtor Benefits in Chapter 13
Debtor Benefits
What It Means To Get a Discharge
Chrysler LLC
Key Points
Questions to generate discussion

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کلمات کلیدی: 

[PDF]International Bankruptcy Procedureshttps://highered.mheducation.com/.../c32f_International_bankruptcy_procedures.pdfBankruptcy procedures differ substantially from one country to the next. ... outcome of maintaining the business as a going concern was the most probable ...[PDF]different approaches to bankruptcy - Scholars at Harvardscholar.harvard.edu/files/hart/files/hart-diffapproachbankruptcy.pdfby HJ Oliver - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articlesThis may be thought of as a private bankruptcy procedure—see below. ... deliver an ex post efficient outcome, that is, it should maximize the total value.Searches related to Bankruptcy Procedures and Outcomesreorganization, or chapter 11, is meant forwhen was the first recorded bankruptcybankruptcy filings are given names according towhat is the origin of the word bankruptcybankruptcy process step by stepa portion of the united states code that contains the bankruptcy code ischapter 13 bankruptcy is a filing meant for people whowhich of the following statements is true regarding bankruptcy?

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پاورپوینت انگلیسی تاریخچه ورشکستگی

عنوان فارسی مقاله: مقدمه و تاریخچه ورشکستگی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

Bankruptcy: Introduction, History

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بخشی از مقاله

Feb 1984 U.S. Supreme Court held that a chapter 11 debtor could reject its collective bargaining agreement
And that it did not commit an unfair labor practice by unilaterally modifying that agreement prior to rejection
Organized labor went ballistic

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کلمات کلیدی: 

[PDF]History of Insolvency and Bankruptcy - DiVAhttps://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:15847/FULLTEXT01.pdfby EBYK GRATZER - ‎Cited by 8 - ‎Related articles5. Introduction. Karl Gratzer. This book brings together new international research on bankruptcy and in- solvency. The book is divided into three sections and ...History of Bankruptcy | Mortgage Foreclosure Reportwww.mortgageforeclosurereport.com/bankruptcy/history-of-bankruptcy/As we discussed on our introduction to bankruptcy webpage, bankruptcy ... side note we want to discuss a brief history of the development of Bankruptcy.Searches related to Bankruptcy: Introduction, Historytypes of bankruptciesbankruptcy chapter 13bankruptcy pros and consbankruptcy courtbankruptcy chapter 7bankruptcy lawchapter 7 vs. chapter 13canadian bankruptcies laws

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پاورپوینت انگلیسی ابزار مذاکره ورشکستگی

عنوان فارسی مقاله: ابزار مذاکره و اعتبار ورشکستگی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

Negotiable Instruments, Credit, and Bankruptcy

دانلود رایگان پاورپوینت ابزار مذاکره و اعتبار ورشکستگی


بخشی از مقاله

CaseGE Business Financial Services v. Silverman
Warren Park Partners, Ltd. borrowed $34.8 million from GE Financial. Bought land in Frisco, Texas.
When loan was made, Silverman & partners signed a guaranty “absolutely, unconditionally” guaranteeing full payment.
Warren Park defaulted; went into bankruptcy. GE demanded payment from Silverman. Silverman didn’t pay; GE sued.
Silverman & parties claimed affirmative defenses of (1) fraud, (2) extortion, (3) theft & (4) economic duress.
Said hours before signing the documents, GE notified them changes in terms of the agreement. They had no time to contest, as loan was needed immediately. He signed agreement because he was trapped.
Claimed GE employee told him new terms would not be enforced.
GE moved for summary judgment.

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کلمات کلیدی: 

Ch 12 Negotiable Instruments, Credit, & Bankruptcy Flashcards | Quizlethttps://quizlet.com/.../ch-12-negotiable-instruments-credit-bankruptcy-flash-cards/Start studying Ch 12 Negotiable Instruments, Credit, & Bankruptcy. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.Chapter 13-Negotiable Instruments, Credit, and Bankruptcy ...https://jes2766.wordpress.com/.../chapter-13-negotiable-instruments-credit-and-bankr...Dec 7, 2015 - Chapter 13-Negotiable Instruments, Credit, and Bankruptcy. I found this chapter to be somewhat confusing to read. I think that it was the way it ...[PDF]Negotiable Instruments, Credit and Bankruptcyfaculty.ksu.edu.sa/MohNashad/.../Brief%20handout%20for%20Session%2013.pdfNegotiable Instruments, Credit and Bankruptcy. Negotiable Instruments- A negotiable instrument is a specialized type of "contract" for the payment of money that ...[PDF]Negotiable Instruments, Credit and Bankruptcy Chapter 12isu.indstate.edu/acharmo/Bus%20263-2005/Test%204/ch12.pdfand Bankruptcy. Chapter 12. • Negotiable Instruments. • Credit. • Bankruptcy. Chapter Issues ... provides way to extend credit (promissory note). • Types of ...

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پاورپوینت انگلیسی ورشکستگی و سوابق مالی

عنوان فارسی مقاله: ورشکستگی و سوابق مالی شخصی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

Bankruptcy and Personal Financial Records

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پاورپوینت انگلیسی Credit Risk

عنوان فارسی مقاله: ریسک اعتباری

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله :

 Credit Risk

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بخشی از مقاله

More Exact Calculation
Assume that a five year corporate bond pays a coupon of 6% per annum (semiannually). The yield is 7% with continuous compounding and the yield on a similar risk-free bond is 5% (with continuous compounding)
Price of risk-free bond is 104.09; price of corporate bond is 95.34; expected loss from defaults is 8.75
Suppose that the probability of default is Q per year and that defaults always happen half way through a year (immediately before a coupon payment).

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کلمات کلیدی: 

Credit risk financial definition of credit riskfinancial-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/credit+riskThe risk that an issuer of debt securities or a borrower may default on its obligations, or that the payment may not be made on a negotiable instrument. Related: ...Due diligence loan review services | DHG Credit Risk Managementhttps://www.creditriskmgt.com/DHG Credit Risk Management provides loan review and due diligence loan review services to financial institutions.Searches related to Credit Riskwhat is credit risk managementtypes of credit riskcredit risk pdfcredit risk modelscredit risk examplecredit risk analysiscredit risk vs default riskliquidity risk

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